People love burgers, as evidenced by the massive popularity of the FOX TV show “Bob’s Burgers,” loosely based on the moderately funny and similarly animated “Home Movies.” Burgers in all their forms are the false gods warned about in the Bible and strongly warned about in the Qur’an. We all commit a deadly sin by worship them instead of you-know-who but what kind of burger represents gluttony - the worst sin of all? This week Jake and Glenn pick up the ketchup and mustard, respectively, and discuss the best burger of all.

Jake: I am a pescetarian, which means I eat fish, but no meat. Yet, I do not understand people who eat so-called “veggie” burgers. First of all, they are made out of soybeans, which are legumes. Really, you are eating legume burgers, not burgers made out of vegetables. Eating a veggie burger is like wearing jeggings. They aren’t really jeans and they aren’t really burgers, so what’s the point? If you are a vegetarian, why do you want to replicate the food that meat eaters consume? Is that not a self-defeatist attitude? Are you not basically saying through your actions that people who eat meat are right because their food tastes better so you must reproduce it out of legumes? I may not be a food scientist, but as an American I feel like I can spout definitive opinions without having any really backing or proof. Therefore, veggie burgers are much worse than hamburgers and vegetarians who eat them are silently saying that meat eaters are right eating the food in which they partake.

Jake: If death tastes so rotten then why do we all die? (That is a merely a rhetorical question.) Speaking of rotten, veggie burgers do not taste all that good. I have choked a few down in my time, but I have also choked myself to reach a shameful climax. Neither, as I see it, are worth the effort. Buying pre-made veggie burgers at the supermarket is tremendously expensive. Meat burgers are more inexpensive and the materials to make them--graying, ground up cow muscle--is more widely available than textured soy or vegetable protein. Although it is true that a hamburger contains little to no ham, a point that Glenn has not even made(!), they are still better than veggie burgers, which contain no vegetables. The cow population in America is exploding like the World Trade Center when a couple of planes hit it on that fateful September morning and Osama bin Laden’s head on that beautiful May evening. Hamburgers are as American as chanting “USA!” to celebrate the death of a Middle Eastern man and veggie burgers are as un-American as protesting government sanctioned murder on Twitter and Facebook.

Jake: First of all, you are welcome and completely wrong! There are no hidden costs when it comes to delicious cow flesh shaped into circular (or square if you’re eating at Wendy’s) patties known as the hamburger. The only “hidden” cost is the money you will lose playing the stock market because you are too busy savoring the flame-broiledness of a piping hot ‘burger on a steamed sesame bun. I would never force a person to eat a hamburger, because I am not a monster, but if I ever catch somebody eating a veggie burger they should strap themselves in for some good old fashion ridicule. The only pre-made vegetarian version of meat I would ever condone the eating of is hot dogs. Hot dogs made of meat are awful and have those little balls in them and nobody knows what the fuck those things are! It is 2011, isn’t it time to stop pretending we are eating meat and learn how to eat actual vegetables?
This debate is the opposite equivalent of Larry The Cable Guy and Ron White debating the merit of Dostoyevsky! As a hamburger loving, Bin Laden murdering American, I have to say you're both wrong; the answer IS STEAK!!!
ReplyDeleteThe vegetarian food scientists still haven't figured out a way to make steak out of soy! This is our tax dollars at work!
ReplyDeleteHaha! I know!! The closest they've come is growing a giant portabella mushroom hydroponically in cow's blood!!!
ReplyDeleteI like the program "Bob's Burgers."
ReplyDeleteI ordered a veggie burger at lunch yesterday but the grill was closed. I had Sun Ra Chips and watermelon instead.
ReplyDeleteI had a veggie burger for lunch yesterday!
ReplyDeleteIf I ever eat a veggie burger it will be because I am having a nightmare that the world is now some sort of vegetarian dystopia.
ReplyDeleteNate my dream is that nightmare becomes a reality. Not just for you, but for everyone.