Two themes have been prevalent in our recent debates: the government's role in our private lives and grappling with the future. Whether addressing the cybernetic nature of Alex Trebek or Kate Middleton's wedding, readers come to us to find answers in an uncertain world. One of the biggest uncertainties in our future is water. Where will it come from? How much will it cost once it's privatized? Will wet t-shirt contest be banned and then legalized? This week we tackle a more pressing aspect. Recently a town somewhere made possessing or transporting plastic water bottles illegal with the punishment of "39 lashes." Is this the only rational response to the natural human instinct to destroy the environment around it or an unnatural overreaction to people's desire to not brush their teeth with Coke Zero? Pour yourself a glass of water, keep a bottle nearby, and read on.

Jake: Your point makes about as much sense to me as a Portugese Mad Libs book. Bottled water is just a way to sell us something we essentially get for free. Most water bottling plants literally use tap water out of an industrial hose. The plastic waste is immense. We need to conserve our natural resources, not create more unnecessary waste to stuff into our landfills. People who drink bottled water are worse than murderers and rapists combined. They are raping and murdering our planet, which is much worse than doing the same to humans. Not even a reference to a classic protopunk song can convince me otherwise. Bottled water should be banned. It is a step in the right direction for a nation too lazy to walk over to a fucking faucet and fill up a glass.

Jake: Coke and Pepsi own bottled water. That is the first indication that bottled water is nothing but a money-making scheme perpetrated by money-hungry corporations on the American people. I would like to shove $20 bills down the throats of Indra Nooyi and Muhtar Kent until they vomit dimes back into the wallets of American citizens. Sure, most Americans are low-life anti-intellectuals, but that is no reason that they should be tricked into paying for something they get virtually for free. Capitalism allows for shit like this, which is fine, but we need to use the law to stop it. People are simply too dumb to stop buying worthless garbage that pollutes our planet on their own. They're too busy watching Super Bowls, watching Dane Cook stand-up specials on Comedy Central and reading books meant for children. We have come to a crossroad in our existence and we can either ban bottled water or we can watch our society crumble like a saltines into a bowl of chowder. I have not bought a bottle of water in years, and if I did, I would recycle it or melt it down to make clothing. Most Americans would just toss it at an Arabic person.

Jake: You would not need to imprison bottled water users, because bottled water would not be available outside of a Y2K bunker. I do not care if AOL buys Huffington Post, Taco Bell or Americlock, Inc., the world's best tower clock and bell manufacturer. The only thing I care about is getting bottled water banned and pollution. I do not even care about people's feelings. Bottled water serves little purpose other than satisfying the thirst of people too paranoid to drink tap water, too stupid to buy a pitcher/tap filter and motorists with bad planning skills. When I go for a long drive, I fill up a sports bottle before I leave and enjoy refreshing filtered tap water throughout the drive. I am not a rube, unlike Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Bottledwater-Consumer. I want you to do me a favor, the next time you go into a store and reach for a bottle of Aquafina, instead reach into your pocket, pull out your gun and shoot yourself in the head. While inconsiderate to the person attending to the register, it will at least rid the Earth from another bottled water drinking asshole.
You were all caught up in the metas and the cultural zeitgeists when it's just all about the pussy and the asshole, bros. I am forever grateful to the corporate overlords for giving us this perfect phallus that is just so readily available when a cock won't suffice and a dildo lost its touch.
ReplyDeleteNevermind that there may be better, eco-friendly alternatives out there. I seek convenience! Convenience for activities to liven up those boring Saturday mornings in ways coffee cannot accomplish. There are other activities, but this is obviously a family-friendly institution and I'm already pushing for the hard-R with my dreams of water bottles everywhere for our pleasure.
About the only thing that can satisfy me more is the sight of an atomic explosion so I can walk into its warm, comforting glow, which speaks highly regarding the poor quality of my sad, lonely existance. Jesus H.W. Christ, I'm actually posting on this again.
This article helped me put A LOT of things in perspective, not limited to - Crystal Pepsi, Quranic Verses, Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie, capitalism, murdering-planet-rapists, Capitalism, corporate media monopolies, and according to the last comment; masturbating into water bottles. And now I am going to go enjoy 5 of those 8 perspectivities
ReplyDeleteI am unreasonably angry/passionate in this debate.