Poison Ivy 2 is one of the most discussed movies in cinematic history. What was once a movie you'd give no consideration to while flipping through your cable tv channels late at night is now a topic of many watercooler conversations. In this debate we will try to settle once and for all if Poison Ivy 2 is worth watching, but something tells me that we'll never have the real answer.

Glenn (Con): Any good debate will have an air of uncertainty to it, and watching Poison Ivy 2 is no different. It might be more entertaining for me to storm on here and scream "The first poison Ivy was shit, Alyssa Milano is no great treasure and you don't even know if she's naked in this movie!" But that would be too easy and it wouldn't address the grave nature of this discussion. The decision whether to watch Poison Ivy 2 is important, not just because of the roughly two hours it takes to watch the film but rather for what it says about the human condition. All of us - man, women, child, beast, inanimate object - want to see human breasts, usually as they are found on a female. But is Alyssa Milano the right female, and does giving into these carnal urges in the form of watching Poison Ivy 2 absolve us of our cinematic responsibility to not enable garbage? I argue that she is not, and that we should not give into our carnal urges in such a form.

Glenn (Con): It's hard for me to give PI2 a chance when PI1 was so bad. Granted, Drew Barrymore was filmed topless to some extent in that movie, but the poor writing sabotaged Sara Gilbert's chances to break out with that role. It was not - I repeat NOT - Sara's fault that the movie was so bad or even that her performance was so disheartening. In fact, she was nominated for an Independent Spirit Award for her work in the film. Sorry to get on a Sara Gilbert tangent, but I used to have a big crush on the character "Darlene Conner" from Roseanne. I never had a crush on Alyssa Milano's character "Sam" in Who's the Boss? because she wasn't a vegetarian or sarcastic. If you told me that Poison Ivy 2 had a possible nude scene with Sara Gilbert, I would suggest watching it though I would never want her to know that was why. I respect her too much as a person. Alyssa Milano is no Sara Gilbert.

Glenn (Con): Now that you've told me more about the plot I think I'm even more against people seeing PI2. I thought this debate was going to be a lot more about Alyssa Milano and the relative merit of seeing her half nude, but now we have to discuss the themes of a film we've never seen. I don't understand what you've described as the plot for Poison Ivy 2, or at least why a regular, low IQ moviegoer would enjoy it. I'm not making the case that PI1 is some great film with enough erotica to satiate the most avid moviegoer. I'm just saying that PI2 has a nonsensical plot, a grade B actress and less than a 100% chance of nudity. Speaking of careers, I would not hold up Charmed as a comparative example of Milano's career success. Sara Gilbert was in a show about the Big Bang Theory that is a sitcom on CBS. CBS is the most popular network, and thus she is the most popular actress on television. That's nothing to laugh at, unless you're watching the actual sitcom, which I'm sure is full of laughs.

Glenn (Con): I guess in the end it does come down to what kind of movies you're willing to watch for the possibility of seeing naked female breasts. I don't mean to hold myself as better than anyone; I admit I've never seen a woman naked and the movies I see with naked women are the only romantic experience I've had. In fact, I caught a part of Lethal Weapon 2 on TBS recently and was upset as I realized the nude scene could never be shown on basic cable. What separates me from Jake is that I stopped watching it, and I wouldn't have started again even if it was Alysa Milano nude instead of Patsy Kensit. I will never watch Poison Ivy 2, even if we find out for sure that Alyssa Milano is nude. I will however continue to follow Sara Gilbert around Los Angeles until she acknowledges that I am perfect for her.
You're going to have to turn Sarah Gibert straight, too. Unless, of course, you went on that gender reassignment cruise to Cuba you were always talking about...
ReplyDeleteI picked this debate because only Maddie commented on it the first time around. I guess nobody cares about Poison Ivy 2, which is why it was straight to video.
ReplyDeleteIf only Tony Danza read OYIT....he would totally comment.
ReplyDeleteI hate his email address: theboss@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI hate that email address too. It's like - Jesus you were on a sitcom for 6 or 7 years but it's done! Get over it!
ReplyDeleteHaha, guys, that's ridiculous -- everyone knows Tony Danza still uses an aol account.
ReplyDeleteThis article is full of pictures of the busty Alyssa Milano.