Everybody is looking for a new way to style their hair. Whether you're a metrosexual with a fistful of styling gel or a homeless person spreading rotten banana on a comb with only six teeth, how you style your hair is an important daily decision. When you think of a celebrity like-- and I'll choose one at random-- Donald Trump, the number one topic of discussion is always hair style and the only way to draw attention away from it is to bare your genitals when emerging from an automobile. In lieu of having to resort to that, we will now debate whether people should have the total freedom to wear any hairstyle they want.

Jake: I'm a huge proponent of individuality, one has to go no further than the bio on my Facebook page to check that fact. It literally says, "I'm a huge proponent of individuality." So how can I be against choosing your own hairstyle? It's so simple that I might as well not even say it, but that would put a quick end to this debate and the internet needs some content that isn't women getting pissed on. Every morning, millions of Americans stand in front of a mirror (a reflective surface), comb in hand and a spaced-out, slack-jawed expression plastered on their faces. We're wasting thousands of hours styling our hair every year, and it's time to put an end to it! We need to take our lives back from this vain attempt at improving our looks via hair. I regularly call congressman Pete Visclosky and demand that he propose a bill that will force everybody to have one hair style and stick to it for the rest of their lives. Let's get rid of this decision and focus on something important, like creating relatable mascots for big corporations.
Glenn: You raise some interesting points, but I find your hair-brained scheme to fail the smell test. In fact, it smells worse than burning hair! Who would decide what hairstyle people have? Health and Human Services? A Congressional committee? Your parents? You say you are in favor of individuality, but how can people express themselves if not with their hair? Without his classic mohawk, Mr. T would be dead by now instead of selling insurance or video games on TV while his legacy is tarnished with an A Team remake. Additionally, the popular "artist" Lady Gaga has made millions of dollars by switching her hairstyle. In your word, she would still be a brunette. When I grew my hair out at 19, I know it looked ridiculous. It was a rite of passage that no one wanted to witness, but ultimately made me a better person. Don't take that away from the millions of 19-year-old boys across this great land who want to see how ugly they can look with shoulder length, unkempt hair.

Jake: If you get your hair style the style the government chooses for you, then it's free. Getting a hair style change could be similar to a name change. It's the red tape that would keep most people from even considering it. If it was easy and free to change my name, I would be Franklin McGuire instead of Jake Merch. I would love to sound more regal, but the process is keeping me attached to this serf name. I don't see people rushing out to change their names and they should not be heading out to a barber to get an eccentric haircut. Buddhist monks all shave their head, and they're the healthiest people on this planet-- maybe every planet.
This debate is so interesting it makes me feel sorry for bald people who can only enjoy it theoretically.
ReplyDeleteIf Congress passes a law to conform all hairstyles, I hope they choose Sen. John Tester's flat-top buzz-cut for the male style.
ReplyDeleteI want Orly Taitz hair but not her pill addiction (I don't know if that's true, I'm just trying to forsee things today.)
ReplyDeleteHaha! Hair panels would be great!! I'm going to start combing rotten bananas through my hair!!!
ReplyDeletei'm letting jake and glenn design my next haircut.
ReplyDeleteThe intro to this debate is incredibly funny. This whole debate is very good. Very underrated, if you ask me. It only got a 5.8 on Pitchfork.
ReplyDeleteA few of my favorite lines:
the internet needs some content that isn't women getting pissed on.
We're all drowning in a sea of garbage and unique haircuts are clearly to blame.
I've seen Uncle Sam's hairstyle and it sucks
If it was easy and free to change my name, I would be Franklin McGuire instead of Jake Merch.
Buddhist monks all shave their head, and they're the healthiest people on this planet-- maybe every planet