Today is April 20th, 2010, also known as "4/20" in head shops and dorm rooms across America. 4:20 has become synonymous with smoking marijuana and the debate over whether to welcome marijuana into the annals of legalized drugs has become a hot button issue in both America and California. There is a stigma surrounding pot that may not be fair to the drug, but does that mean it should be legalized and given to children upon entering first grade? Or should the government stop investigating Al Qaeda cells around the world and instead devote those resources to arresting people who smoke a joint because they're dying of cancer? Fortunately these are not the only two positions to take, but they are two of the best. Jake and Glenn will now attempt to clear the haze surrounding marijuana legalization.

Jake: If the WWE was outlawed only outlaws would be in the WWE. Is that really what we want? It is not and neither is illegal marijuana. Pot is less dangerous than riding in a car, and that's a fact. Cigarettes are legal and everybody I have ever known has died because of smoking them. I have yet to meet a person who has died from "puffing on a reefer" and I work at a morgue. Cannibus has done nothing but good for our society from the jewelry that is created from the rope form of the drug to the song "Jump" by Van Halen, which was written by a stoned Sammy Hagar. If anything, it should be illegal to not smoke it. If I were President Obama, I would appoint Tommy Chong to the Supreme Court.

Jake: The problem with imprisoning anybody caught toking up a j is that we have to pay to house and feed them. Teabaggers are not happy about this and demand that marijuana be legalized immediately. In fact, there was a huge march in DC yesterday for marijuana rights that was organized by conservatives. If everybody seems to want pot legalized then who am I to slap the bong out of their mouths? Just think about the positive effect it would have on the legitimate economy if we take this "shit" off the black market. Instead of some third-rate schwag slinger installing some 22's on his car, we could have CEO's of marijuana companies using the profits they make to take corporate jets and give each other huge bonuses. You know what happens to the drug dealer? He dies in a car accident on the way to rape a 16-year-old high school girl. If you're against legalization then you support the rape of our great nation's young women.

Jake: If the US were to legalize marijuana there would be more job opportunities. Candy would be higher in demand. Glenn would have you believe that candy is only for children, but he's too busy seething with anger from watching Celebrity Disc Golf on ESPN2. Candy is for everybody and Glenn's addiction to Sour Patch Kids tells that tale exquisitely. We have nothing to lose if we make grass legal. Our overcrowded prisons would be relieved, we would enter a new era of creative snack foods, Cheech Marin would be granted citizenship and Boomerang would become the most watched TV channel. This may not be the world Glenn and his fat cat friends want to live in, but it's better than what we have now.
"You know what happens to the drug dealer? He dies in a car accident on the way to rape a 16-year-old high school girl."
"Cigarettes are legal and everybody I have ever known has died because of smoking them. I have yet to meet a person who has died from "puffing on a reefer" and I work at a morgue."
ReplyDeleteThis is the best line of text I have ever read. Fantastic, gentlemen.
Terrific debate! It was so good I still don't know where I stand!! I don't want pot junkies slitting their wrists, but at the same time I don't want drug dealers raping 16-year olds. And those ARE he only two options!!!
ReplyDeletereally glenn "Marijuana is a drug that distorts a person's sense of time and space. It is addictive. It is expensive. Marijuana, if legalized, would instantly be smoked by children as young as embryo as a way to "relax from their problems." never have I smoked a joint and forgot what day or time it was or ever had a distorted sense of space and I just couldn't bear to read any more of YOUR psycho babble bullshit. It's not a drug As Katt Williams has said numerous times, you have to change something in it chemically before it could ever be considered so. it's not addictive Ive never known anyone to be sick from not having it. its a lot less expensive than drugs and would probably cost less publicly if it were legal. Finally, those of you who are afraid for children who might smoke it, um hello illegal under 18 right? Cigarettes are legal and they kill why isn't anyone afraid for underage cigarette smokers? Marijuana is medicanally safe helps cure cancer and is great for glaucoma so just to throw it in your dumb ass face it doesnt CAUSE cancer. So fuck off gotard and hopefully ive opened your eyes.
ReplyDeleteYEAH FUCK YOU GLENN. Love, Katt Williams, super awesome smart guy.
ReplyDeleteHey, pot cures cancer! Glenn you're a cancer-loving gotard.
ReplyDeleteGlenn, this debate is drenched in psychobabble! You're a regular Eckhart Tolle!! At least anonymous thinks you're in the same league as Jean-Luc Godard!!!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous' level of psychological understanding ends at Katt Williams and begins with Earthquake.
ReplyDeleteSorry it took me twelve hours to respond to your commet, bro. I've been too HIGH to lift up my fucking hands and gently stroke the keyboard. I was too busy stroking the hair of a corpse I unearthed from a graveyard, and fucked, the last time I was high. Marijuana is a gateway to necrophilia.
ReplyDeletehey again guess who im responding to so Im guessing youre one of those people who have never tryed smoking and for that I feel you shouldnt be allowed to debate abiout it. everything you say makes me want to hit babies just cuz its that fucking retarded. marijuana is a gateway to nothing, tobacco and alcohol are and if you just keep your self control nothing looks interesting through the gateway ya dumb fuck. Marijuana has a bad rap literally for the same reason it shows on Pineapple Express, the person from the government who was given the job of trying it for the experiments to see it was safe for the general public was said to have acted strangely and the government illegalized it because it caused him to be giddy, why this mistake still hasnt been righted to this day i dont know and never will. people like you all need to "accidently" fall into a giant steep walled pit full of nothing but burning marijuana filling the pit's air with the most pleasant smoke on earth, probably throughout the entire universe.
ReplyDeleteThank you for not posting anonymously.
ReplyDeleteThe government made marijuana illegal because of pressure from the cotton industry. Pineapple Express and Katt Williams are not good references to site when trying to make a point, no matter how faded you might be. Marijuana does not cure cancer, it does have anti-nausea effects, which help during chemo, and is a pain reliver. If you smoke marijuana it probably can give you cancer. See the residue left in your glass pipe? That is what is being left in your lungs.
Furthermore, this site is a joke. We're doing comedy and not every point made here is legit. I happen to know that Glenn and I were both high when we wrote this debate. We were smoking a blunt in his parents' basement and watching ECW Barely Legal 97.
This site is a JOKE?! WHAT THE FUCK?!?!??! You guys have been joking the whole time? This is super shitty and eye-opening. Assholes. Going back to watch CollegeHumor videos and cry. :(
ReplyDeleteill give you that one cuz youre right it doesnt cure it but its so much more tedious to say pretty much what you said. and joke or not I still remain serious on my side of the debate.
ReplyDeleteMarijuana DOES cure cancer but it has certainly caused much more cancer than it could ever hope to cure. Plus, it is a widely disputed fact that Casey Anthony got the idea to kill her daughter Laci Peterson after having consumed 22 pot brownies.
ReplyDeletehey what's everybody fighting about in the ghost world you can get high whenever you want and no one cares
ReplyDeleteIn the dimension from which I come, marijuana is legal and Katt Williams was the first black president. People still wanted to see his birth certificate though, and they found out he was actually born in Kenya when he showed them.
ReplyDeleteIt is really tedious to be accurate and clear in what you're saying!
ReplyDeletedo you really think this issue is even worth a lot of time to discuss, no , do I honestly give a poop what any of you think about my habbits. NO. do what you like , don't talk just shoot hehe.
ReplyDeleteThey're letting Jared Loughner on the internet!!!
ReplyDeleteI hope this article gets more comments after marijuana is legalized.