Thursday (Photo Edition)

By Jake

Today is a special all photo edition of the (week)daily morning One Year in Texas post. I take a lot of pictures throughout the week, and what better way to share the pictures than on OYIT? Maybe Facebook? I have no idea. Please leave a comment telling me.

front yard plant, cool looking

upclose buddy flower

shoe in the grass

broken window with tree reflection

up close yellow flower

Hope you enjoyed the pictures.


  1. jake these pictures are gr8. you're the next alfred eisenstaedt.

  2. Jake those are great you are the next Shawn Stasiak.

  3. As long as Terri Runnels and Jackie aren't bossing me around I'm okay with that.

  4. You are the Peg Miller of Hammond, IN.

  5. I let PMS (pretty mean sistahs) boss me around any day!

  6. why did you stop posting pictures you took?

  7. We stopped doing Good Morning articles for a while. I'll post pictures next Tuesday.


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