In the Beginning, God created Twitter

By Nate

Consider this the preface to future posts relating the Bible through Twitter.


Alphaandomega: @nothing, let there B lite.

Alphaandomega: this iz good.

Alphaandomega: @dayandnite, let there B space b/n the water & heaven

Alphaandomega: this iz good.

Alphaandomega: @water, flow together in 1 place so land can appear

Alphaandomega: this iz good.

Alphaandomega: @land, grow some trees and have them bear fruit

Alphaandomega: this iz good.

Alphaandomega: @space, let there B @starz, @moon, and @sun

Alphaandomega: this iz good.

Alphaandomega: Day 5, time for animals, @land & @water, make fishes and birds.

Alphaandomega: this iz good.

Alphaandomega: @land, let there B animals and @adam

Alphaandomega: this iz good. Time to turn in 4 the week.

Alphaandomega: @adam, can U find the weed? I wanna get hi 2mrw.

Adam: @Alphaandomega, U put that on N. America, I think

Alphaandomega: @adam, it’s N the Garden of Eden next 2 the Tree of Knowledge

Adam: @Alphaandomega, found it. C U 2mrw.

Alphaandomega: @adam, remember to write this down as “on day 7 God rested.”


  1. This is so good. Twitter is funny in the first place and so is God. It's win win. Win win win if you count us, the readers, as winners. I do, except for the pedophiles and rapists.

  2. Ha! This is just an excuse to forward Nate's conservative agenda!

  3. Pedophiles and rapists ALWAYS win.


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